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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
August 15, 2006
Senior Center

Members Present:        R. Ricker, C. Stanovich, C. Prager, W. Ritter, D. Lindberg

Members Absent:         R. Bates, O. Lies

Others Present:         Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

DISCUSSION OF ALDEN WOODS SUBDIVISION:  A joint meeting was conducted on August 9, 2006, with Pam Harding; Chris Halker, GZA; Nick Campagna, GZA; Brian Dowart, Haley and Alrich; and Clea Blair Jr.  Mr. Jack DeCillis, owner of 111 Blair Dr. discussed the situation with all parties both prior to and after the site walk.  The Board has plans to review, with the addition of a few items.  GZA felt the proposed repairs to the collapsed wall would be sufficient.  The wall in the rear of Lots 21 & 22 were also reviewed.  It was felt that the addition of a drain at the toe of the slope would greatly aid in the long-term stability of this wall.

The Board informed Blair that all reviews have been made, now just do the repairs.  R. Ricker stated that for the record, to put the trench drain and toe drain into the detention pond per the letter.  Blair stated that work would start when they were let back onto the property.  W. Ritter recommended the landowners take it from here.

The DeCillis’s asked for a copy of the letter they never had a chance to look at.  They were also concerned that their back yard went from 22’ to 17 ½’.  Blair stated that at 22’, the slope was too steep.  C. Stanovich stated that whether it’s 22’ or 17’, it is out of the Boards jurisdiction, and they will have to abide by the engineer’s recommendations for what is safe.  The engineers and the developer have agreed to correct the property, which is now a private matter if the homeowner accepts.

PUBLIC HEARING – Definitive Subdivision Wagner Meadows Extension of Time, Casa Builders:  C. Stanovich read the Public Hearing Notice into record, and explained that this is for an extension in time only.  There have been 12 building permits issued to date.  All conditions of extension will be related to cleaning the site and erosion controls.

R. Ricker motioned to close the Public Hearing.  W. Ritter seconded.  All in favor.

R. Ricker motioned to approve the extension of time with conditions #5, 30, 31 & 32 read into record.  C. Prager seconded.  All in favor.  Vote 5-0.

PUBLIC HEARING – Definitive Subdivision Special Permit, Hill Woods Estates, Beckner Construction:  C. Stanovich read the Public Hearing notice into record.  This is the definitive plan for the construction of 9 condominium units located at the terminus of High Ridge Rd. and Scott Terr.  Larry Galkowski has conducted a preliminary review, but the drainage review is being outsourced to a third party engineer.  Due to the Special Permit component, the public hearing is required to be opened within 45 days of submission.  The reviews are not yet complete and the project will have to be continued.  The Board has copies of the plan and architectural drawings.  One fire hydrant needs to be added to Scott Terr.

Kevin Hartiman, David Ross Associates, gave an overview of the affordable housing plan of 9 units in a low impact development.  They are requesting 3 waivers:  1)  For the length of a dead end road, 2) A waiver from the diameter requirement for cul de sac pavement, 3) To eliminate the cul de sac island.  Some of the features will be a graveled walking path, and side loading garages to provide adequate parking.

Public Comments:
Stan Smith, 66 Beechwood Rd:  Concerned with the buffer zone, and how far it will be, and was told about 73’.
Deborah Wallace, 77 Beechwood Rd:  Asked about fencing.
Will Fisher, 24 Kris Alan Dr:  Concern over buffer zone.  P. Harding stated that the rear yard setback is 20’, which is the minimum setback for any structure.  W. Ritter stated that the open area is a significant area.  W. Fisher is concerned with undisturbed land.

Two of the 9 units will be affordable.  W. Ritter stated that the Special Permit must be recorded at the registry of deeds.  A condition could be added regarding undisturbed area.

Kay Geoffroy, 68 High Ridge Rd:  Asked for an explanation of the path.
David Geoffroy. 68 High Ridge Rd:  Asked how is the line located in the woods.  It will be marked with orange fencing for limited disturbance.
Sue Aucoin, 57 High Ridge Rd:  Inquired about the time frame, cost of units, and buffer area on the map of approximately 40’.  Ted Beckner said he hopes to have an approval in about 4-5 weeks.  The cost for the units would be in the low $300,000, and the affordable units about $160,000.
Deborah Wallace, 77 Beechwood Rd:  Asked how long the units would be considered affordable, and was told ‘forever’.
Will Fisher, 24 Kris Alan Dr:  Interested in the design of the building.  That will be part of the special permit.

The applicant is asking for:  1)  Definitive plan approval, 2)  A Special Permit, and 3) Three (3) waivers.

Length of dead end street, Scott Terr.:  Extend Scott Terr., access easement at end of High Ridge Rd., 120’ cul de sac.
Cul de sac pavement:  Reduce onsite pavement, T provided.
Island:  To omit island in cul de sac.

Will Fisher, 24 Kris Alan Dr:  Concerned with who will be take care of the turn around area.  The Association will maintain it as a private road.  The cul de sac at the end of High Ridge Road will become town property.

Board Comments:
C. Prager:  Inquired about the gravel walkways.
D. Lindberg:  Side dump garages will allow owners more green space.
C. Stanovich:  Concerned with snow removal on walkways.
R. Ricker:  Recommended stone dust that will last longer and be easier for snow removal.

A written request is needed from the developer to extend the public hearing date and filing of the decision with the Town Clerk.  The Board is requesting a signed request tonight.

R. Ricker moved to continue the Public Hearing for the subdivision plan, Special Permit, and Definitive Subdivision Plan, at the written request of the developer, to the second meeting in October.  C. Prager seconded.  All in favor, vote 5-0.  The Public Hearing will be continued to September 26, 2006, per the applicant’s request.

June 13, 2006:  Tabled.

Master Plan:  The Master Plan logo website is completed,

NEXT MEETINGS:  September 12, 2006 at 7:30 PM. at the Memorial Town Hall.

W. Ritter motioned to adjourn the Planning Board meeting.  R. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned at 8:30 PM.

August 15, 2006 meeting minutes approved:       January 9, 2007         

Debra A. Sciascia
Recording Secretary